
Guest Librarian Sue Zalokar Reports

Sue took the shift on Saturday at the Park Blocks, and reports that she had no less than eight (!) people waiting for her when she biked up. Many patrons returned books and checked out new ones, and new faces stopped in to see what was going on. Please have a look at Sue's great blog post here, to get a flavor of her day: http://suezalokar.com/adventures/you_cant_always_tell_a_book_by_its_cover_


Ajax Was Psyched to Find Obama

He said he'd been meaning to read Dreams of My Father, and there it was for him in the library's collection. He said he really likes Michelle Obama, and he shook his head and said "Just wish she could have been friends with Lady Diana, you know? What a pair they'd make..." I asked him why he was a fan of Diana's and he said that she was just a normal person thrust into a formal, royal situation. When really, all she wanted was a hamburger. "She sent her people out to get her a regular hamburger," Ajax said. "She did that sometimes." 20110615-045039.jpg